3 Fitness Business Mistakes To Avoid

by | Jan 8, 2019 | Articles, For Business Owners, For Fitness Pros, Stage 3 | 0 comments

(Last Updated On: March 14, 2024)

Mistakes are going to be made when you run your business. Some of the best lessons I’ve learned in the past 12 years running businesses have come from mistakes. But, there are three key mistakes that are absolutely avoidable.

Fitness Business Mistake #1: Doing Everything Yourself

If you get over the initial hump of starting your business and generating enough money to make a living at what you love you will eventually have to let go of some things in the business. You don’t have enough hours in the day to be the personal trainer, admin, cleaning person, salesperson, marketer and bookkeeper.

Learning how to delegate and outsource tasks that aren’t critical to the growth of your business early on can help you get a leg up on the competition. While the other fitness business owners are spending time doing hours of paperwork or entering data into their CRM you can be out marketing, selling or training clients.   

Once you’ve got rid of the lower dollar per hour tasks you can take a look at outsourcing areas of your business to experts. For example, Lead Engine Marketing does a great job of driving in leads to a fitness business from Facebook. You don’t need to learn how to set up ads, target them and manage them if you can afford to pay a few hundred bucks a month for an expert to do it for you.  

As you grow your business your job as the business owner will become more and more valuable. Don’t waste your time on things that don’t move the needle, find someone else who is great at them to do it.

Fitness Business Mistake #2: Failing To Differentiate

With the flood of new gyms and fitness solutions available to your clients its critical that you differentiate your fitness business. You need to be able to clearly state why you are the best choice for your Ideal Client.   

When you fail to differentiate your Ideal Client will simply compare you one the things that they know such as brand name, price or their perception of what fitness should be. Control your brand story or your market (or worse, your competition) will!

You can differentiate your business by using statistics of the results you get, awards that you’ve won, credentials you have, or by being able to describe the process you use for getting results in a unique way.  

Fitness Business Mistake #3: You’re Not Being Held Accountable

If you are trying to grow your business on your own you are making a huge mistake. Everyone needs a coach, mentor or peer group to hold them accountable. The best goals and plans fall apart when you get caught up in the chaos of your business. You need someone to ensure that you are doing what you set out to do and help you get on track when needed.

Accountability isn’t about having someone punish you when you don’t follow through. The real benefit of accountability is having someone to shoot it straight with you when you aren’t doing what you need to do. Knowing that you have to report in on your progress towards a goal will help you take the action you need to get it done.

If you want to reach your goals faster find someone that will hold you to doing what it takes!

Avoiding these 3 key mistakes in your business will save you a lot of stress and frustration in your business. They are some of the most common mistakes made, yet completely avoidable.  

Learning from your own mistakes is smart. High Performers find a way to learn from others mistakes so they never have to make them in the first place.   

If you could use a little help staying accountable or want to leverage the experience of a qualified business coach schedule complimentary Discovery Call today…

Author: Nick Berry

Nick Berry is an accomplished entrepreneur, CEO, mentor, and author, with a track record which includes founding and leading numerous companies to success since his first venture in 2002. Nick Berry is the Founder and CEO of Fitness Revolution.

A hand drawing an arrow with a businessman on it.


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