3 Keys To Developing Stronger Systems For Scaling Your Fitness Business

by | Feb 26, 2019 | Articles, Fitness Business Owner, For Business Owners, For Fitness Pros, Stage 3, Systems | 0 comments

Growing, or scaling your fitness business isn’t easy. It takes more than a FB ad, a couple checklists and great training. If you would look at many fitness businesses that have found some success, usually in the $10,000/mo-$25,000/mo revenue range, there is one thing that really holds them back…


Without a strong systems in your business it will be difficult to delegate tasks. That leaves you trapped doing everything.

Here are a few simple tips to create stronger systems so you can focus on scaling your fitness business.

Systems Are Not A Checklist: Develop With The Outcome In Mind

Systems are more than a checklist. You can’t expect that your business will deliver great service and grow with a bunch of checklists in a binder (which you probably call your operations manual).  

Systems are a set of actions that produce a predictable result in your business. These could be automated or completed by individuals in your business.  

The way your business operates is run by the systems you create and implement.  

When you are developing systems for your fitness business it’s important to start with the outcome you want to accomplish. Once you have a clear outcome reverse engineering the steps needed to accomplish that outcome in the most effective and efficient way is simple.

While a system could be a checklist, such as how to enter new client data in the CRM, it doesn’t end there…

Many of your more complex systems such as program design systems, lead generation systems and customer service systems may take you weeks to create and look like a small manual when you are done.   

Systems Won’t Run Themselves: Train Your Team

Creating the systems in your business is the easy part. It’s also where most fitness business owners stop.

Once you have the system created it is critical that you train your staff, train some more, and then train even more. Continued training of your systems ensure that things are slipping through the cracks and that your team knows exactly how you expect the system to be done.

Another great benefit of training your staff is getting feedback on your systems. For example, a few weeks ago I was training our sales team on a few internal CRM processes that I thought would make our follow up more effective and easier on them.

Boy, was I wrong! After taking them through the training they let me know that this process would slow them down and that they could get the same thing done without a few of the steps.  

Now, I didn’t change right away. I asked for them to go through it for a couple days to evaluate it. After revisiting it was determined we could cut some of the wasteful actions that weren’t helping them and create an even better system.

Training will ensure things are done right and that you get feedback on what’s not working.

Don’t Set It And Forget It: Manage Your Systems

Most, if not all of your systems should be measurable. You need to manage your systems closely, especially after you first implement them.

If there are critical systems driving your business, and being implemented by your team, you should manage the key metrics or behaviors that drive the system (and thus the result) in your weekly meetings with each staff member.   

Managing the behaviors and metrics will help you see issues faster and get ahead of them.  

I can remember implementing systems in my studio and never checking on them again. When the issue I was trying to solve with the system reared its ugly head again I quickly found out the system wasn’t being implemented.

At first I was mad at the employee. Then I realized that I never held them accountable or managed them on completion of the system.  

If you don’t manage it, don’t get mad when its not getting done.

If This Article Was Helpful…

There is one simple way to take the next critical step with scaling your business.  

Jump on the phone with Fitness Revolution for a complimentary Strategy Session to uncover the obstacles that are holding you and your business back. We can show you how to eliminate many of the stresses and frustrations that you face as a fitness business owner.

Applying strategies with FR coaches has proven successful for hundreds of fitness business owners who are looking to scale their business. Let us show you how…

Book your call below and let us show you exactly what needs to happen for you to scale your business.


Author: Nick Berry

Nick Berry is an accomplished entrepreneur, CEO, mentor, and author, with a track record which includes founding and leading numerous companies to success since his first venture in 2002. Nick Berry is the Founder and CEO of Fitness Revolution.