5 Skills That Will Take Your Fitness Business To The Next Level
Success in the fitness industry relies on your ability to deliver great results to your clients. Over time you’ve developed skills and learned new techniques to be able to create programs and coach your clients to success.
Growing and running your fitness business, whether that’s a studio or as an Independent Contractor, also requires skill development. You can’t expect that being a great coach and trainer automatically results in business success.
Here are 5 skills that you can begin developing right now if you want to see more success with your fitness business.
Fitness Business Owner Skill #1: Communication
Great communicators can motivate, lead and manage teams. As a business owner you’re success and growth will rely heavily on your ability to communicate with your clients, your team and your market.
It doesn’t matter if you’re an extrovert or introvert, great communication skills need to be developed. This includes both written and verbal communication.
Solid communication can compensate, at least for a while, for not having all of your systems in place and learning how to be a great manager-leader in your business.
Fitness Business Skill #2: Management
Your ability to build and manage a team will determine how fast and how large you can grow your business. You can’t do it all forever!
Trying to avoid developing your management skills will leave you and your team frustrated. The lack of clarity and accountability will ultimately repel great team members from your business and you’ll end up with their jobs back on your plate.
Management requires you to create structure for your team, properly train them to do their job well, provide them support when needed and hold them accountable to producing results.
Fitness Business Skill #3: Priority Management
This can be exchanged with time management, but I prefer this term. We all struggle with getting enough done in our day and have to choose what may get left undone at the end of each day or week.
The only good way to assess what you may or may not focus your time and energy on is by learning how to manage your priorities. It’s the difference between staying busy and being productive. Busy simply means you were working, productive means you were working on the most important things.
Using tools like the Priority Tracker and following our Annual and Quarterly planning cycles allow you to strategically select your top priority goals and keep them front and center each day.
When you know your priorities you can filter your opportunities and develop your “no” muscle. Saying “no” will eventually be more important than saying “yes”, but it takes time to learn how to do it effectively.
Fitness Business Skill #4: Delegation
You gotta let go! Have you ever hired someone to do a task, got really frustrated because they didn’t do it well and then took it back because “you could do it better the first time”?
That’s a surefire way to get burnt out and overworked!
It’s one thing to say that you delegate and it’s another to do it well. Most fitness business owners end up delegating tasks out of frustration. You get overworked, end up buried in tasks and then decide to find someone else to dump all your “extra” work on so that you can get it off your plate.
Don’t treat delegation like a band aid. Delegation should be a permanent solution.
When you take a little extra time to delegate properly you can give the right tasks to the right position for good.
Fitness Business Skill #5: Accepting Coaching
Trying to figure out this whole fitness business thing on your own is difficult, maybe impossible. You’ll need to look for some outside help to grow as a business owner and entrepreneur. That may be from mentors, coaches, books or even podcasts.
The key with any of these growth resources is being able to accept coaching and a willingness to change. Many fitness business owners who have found a little success think they can figure it all out on their own.
You might think that you need to recreate the wheel or that your business is different so it requires a more specialized solution. Maybe you choose to ignore all the signs appearing in your business telling you that you need to work on a skill that’s uncomfortable for you.
The business owners that are able to accept coaching and fail forward are able to grow faster.
Get Access Our Fitness Business Owner Training…
What if you could get your Fitness Business Owner MBA while still running your business AND do it for just $39/mo?
That’s exactly what you’ll get inside The Academy, the top rated online training program for fitness business owners. Inside you’ll get access to our entire library of business curriculum, training modules and resources designed to make your business better and life a little easier.