Imagine if you could easily access everything you needed to efficiently run and grow your fitness business. That means marketing tools, business strategy, and systems so you didn’t have to do everything from scratch. It would make running your gym a lot easier. You know it’s possible because you’ve seen others grow their fitness business and have plenty of time to enjoy their lives. And yet every time you finish putting out a fire, or find something that actually works for your business… another problem arises before you can catch your breath.
Pretty soon you’re thinking that maybe it’s just not possible for you to build a fitness business that generates plenty of revenue without working 70+ hours a week.
Listen, I know what it’s like to try building that perfect fitness business alone. It wasn’t all that long ago that I was struggling to grow my gym. I can still remember how frustrating it was to deploy a new lead generation system that “worked” only to find out that the leads I got barely responded. Or when I first opened my gym and realized that I didn’t have the business knowledge necessary to do everything that is required of a gym owner. There were so many days, weeks, and months that I wanted to give up on it.
Sound familiar? Well… here’s where it gets interesting.
You see, at Fitness Revolution we realized that gym owners and fitness business owners often aren’t trained or educated in business. Many come from a fitness background with a ton of passion for helping people get healthy. But that passion just isn’t enough to run a fitness business that not only serves people… but serves its owner.
What is a business that serves its owner?
A business that serves its owner is a profitable asset that can run without the owner’s constant attention.
If built correctly, with automated systems, the right strategy for sales and marketing, and well-trained staff, you should be able to step back and watch the show… or better yet… go on vacation and still get paid.
For a lot of gym owners… that sounds like a fantasy. But it’s possible!
I know it sounds a little too good to be true. When I was in your place, I wouldn’t have believed me either. I honestly got burned by a lot of different gurus and people with quick fixes for my gym owner problems. But we have a path to build that kind of business – and I know it will work for you too.
Introducing The Academy – The Best Way to Learn How to Run a Profitable Gym
The Academy has helped countless gym owners build efficient businesses that turn a profit and don’t require 70+ hours of work a week. And that’s why I’m so certain it will work for you too.
How does the Academy work?
The Academy is a series of courses (video, audio, PDFs, and assessments) on the five most important aspects of your fitness business: marketing, sales, operations, business strategy, and finances.
But these courses aren’t the long, boring, and drawn-out type that you may have experienced in school or college. They are simple, easy to absorb, and extremely practical. Instead of filling you with theory and history, the academy will give you a proven system for every aspect of your business.
For example, if you’re struggling with finding a sales script that works reliably. You would go to the sales module, find our 5-Step Sales Process, watch the short lesson, download the PDF and be able to jump into your next success session and close your next client.
If you need help with building a marketing plan for the new year then you would head on over to the marketing module and download our marketing calendar and use the course to guide you through the process.
It’s really that simple. We designed it this way because we know that you’re busy and we know that you want to see results fast. We also know that you’re smart, driven, and want to learn more. But as a business owner, you don’t have the time to take long-drawn-out general business courses. You need specialized information that works for your industry fast.
The most important thing to know is that The Academy is designed for Fitness Business owners. Everyone from personal trainers, studio owners, and large independent gym owners. Our systems are configurable to exactly what you need to grow a business that is profitable and one that you can step away from and still get paid.
You’re going to find so many simple solutions to problems that have been nagging at you for years. And the reason that the Academy works is that we have based all of our systems that we teach on what actually works in real-life fitness businesses. We’re constantly working alongside our clients to get them the best results by staying up-to-date on current trends and problems.
Simply put, the Academy is a proven, surefire way to build a profitable fitness business that fits your lifestyle.
Check it out here: The Academy
Look, if you’ve ever dreamed about running a profitable gym that fits your lifestyle, or if you’ve ever just wished that you could just get a few more clients, then you absolutely need to check out The Academy.
You won’t find an easier, quicker or more affordable way to get the systems, tools, and business strategy you need to build a gym that you love running. So check it out for yourself risk-free by going to The Academy. And do it now, because you’re going to like the way you feel once you start your first module, knowing that you are on the way to growing your gym the right way.
Click here to get started in The Academy.
Justin Hanover
Success Coach, Fitness Revolution