Have you ever wondered if your marketing was reaching the right audience or producing more clients for your business?
The typical marketing plan involves a lot of random activities and promotions. Essentially, throwing things out there to see what works. Heck, that’s what you have to do a lot of times to get started.
But, when it’s time to take your business to the next level, to that place where your marketing is predictable and effective, allowing you to bring on staff and scale your business, that won’t work.
Marketing your fitness business requires a strategic and calculated approach. Your time and money are precious resources that need to be used wisely. And, while not all marketing will work you need to know what isn’t working so you can optimize or get rid of it.
How Do I Know If My Marketing Is Working?
The best way to know if your marketing is effectively bringing you new clients and generating new revenue is measuring your results. This can be done by very simple tracking.
Trouble is many fitness business owners think they ‘don’t have time’ for this type of activity. You’re busy with a hundred other activities in your business, so how do you track?
If you have an administrative assistant I would start with having them do the data entry for your tracking. If not I would create a time block in my schedule each day, or at a minimum 3 days per week to manage my tracking.
Here’s what you need to be tracking:
- Total number of leads
- Source of your leads
- Date the lead was acquired
This will let you start to look at your overall lead number, but more importantly what lead channels or sources are producing your leads.
That’s just the start though…
Leads Don’t Pay The Bills
Effective marketing doesn’t just bring in leads. It brings in leads that turn into paying clients!
The next step in your tracking is identifying which leads participate in your Front End Offer and the value of that Front End Offer for your business. You’ll also want to note the date that this lead joined the Front End Offer.
**Front End Offers are things like trials, challenges, jump starts or free sessions to get a lead interested in buying your services.
From there you want to track which leads turn in to clients, the date they became a client and the value of that client to your business (contract length X monthly membership).
This information will allow you to see what marketing channels and types of leads are turning into paying clients. Once you know what sources are producing clients for you and the value of those clients you can decide how to invest your time and money into those channels.
Let’s Review
You need to be tracking your marketing efforts. If you are investing time and money in marketing its important to know what works.
Here’s what to track:
- Total Number of Leads
- Date Lead was acquired
- Source of your lead (examples: Referral, website, FB ad, etc)
- Date lead converted to Front End Offer (FEO)
- FEO type
- FEO value
- Date lead converted to client
- Value of the client
All of this can be done using a simple spreadsheet or Google Sheets with formulas to track your marketing success. Fitness Revolution Coaching Partners have access to a Lead Tracker that is set up and ready to use, including managing their follow up system.
Want Help?
If you are ready to take the next step with your business and build out a predictable plan to get new clients we’d love to chat with you to see if we can help. You can shorten your learning curve by applying the tools and knowledge that FR has acquired by working with hundreds of fitness business owners. If you would like to speak with a member of the FR team to see how we can help you get unstuck please apply for a FREE 60-minute Discovery Call below.