The Power of Curiosity For Fitness Business Growth

by | Sep 11, 2018 | Articles, For Business Owners, Stage 1, Stage 2, Stage 3, Stage 4, Stage 5 | 0 comments

It all starts with the right question…

You likely started your business or entered into the fitness industry because you asked yourself a question about what you wanted to do, who you wanted to help or how you wanted to make a living.  

Your growth as a person and business owner start with questions about skills you need to develop, obstacles you will face and finding the path to success.

It’s simple…you don’t know what you don’t know.  

To find out you have to be willing to ask questions. Curiosity may have killed the cat, but it saves the entrepreneur!

Fear and insecurity hold back many fitness business owners from experiencing growth. The fear of asking for help or looking stupid. Questions don’t make you less of a business owner, they make you a successful business owner.  

Here are a few questions you need to be asking throughout your journey of fitness business growth:

  1. What should I not do at this stage to get to the next?
  2. What should I focus my energy on at this stage?
  3. What are the biggest risks for me?
  4. What does success look like and how will I recognize it?
  5. What did you do?  How did you do it?
  6. What might I be missing?
  7. Who do you know that I should know?
  8. How can I (insert your goal or obstacle)?
  9. Who can help me (insert goal or obstacle)?
  10. What are my blind spots?

These are just a start, but the more questions you ask the more knowledge you will acquire. That knowledge, when put into action will result in fitness business growth.

So, what questions do you have for us at Fitness Revolution?

Seeking Answers To Your Most Challenging Fitness Business Questions?  

Schedule a free Strategy Session to talk with a member of the Fitness Revolution team and dig into your business. We’ll help you discover the path you need to take to reach your biggest goals.


Author: Nick Berry

Nick Berry is an accomplished entrepreneur, CEO, mentor, and author, with a track record which includes founding and leading numerous companies to success since his first venture in 2002. Nick Berry is the Founder and CEO of Fitness Revolution.