The Best Marketing Plan For Fitness Businesses

by | Jan 16, 2017 | Articles, For Business Owners | 0 comments

(Last Updated On: March 14, 2024)

The Triple A Marketing Method

When you started your personal training career you didn’t know that you would have to be a good marketer to survive. But, you quickly found out that you have to promote your services and get new clients if you want to be able to pay the bills.

Luckily, there’s a method for uncovering your hidden marketing strengths. And, yes, you have marketing strengths 🙂

It’s called the AAA (Triple A) Method. It’s about Assets, Arsenal and Action. This exercise will help you evaluate your strengths as a marketer, even if you don’t think you have any!

Evaluate Your Assets

Look at your business, your team and yourself to determine what assets you have to use in your marketing.

Here are some ideas:

  • Unique ability to network
  • A valuable network in your community
  • Enjoy public speaking
  • Copywriting skills
  • Money to spend on marketing
  • Technology skills (building web pages)
  • FB following
  • Email list

Take an inventory of all the assets available to you and include your team members if you have them. Once you have your list, prioritize the top 3-5 strengths that you plan to leverage to enhance your marketing.

Develop Your Arsenal

Now that you have your Assets documented and prioritized you can develop your Arsenal. Your Arsenal will be the array of marketing you use to go out and attract your market.

Your Arsenal should be made up of specific ways that you will capture your target market’s attention and convert them into a lead and prospect.  These should emphasize your Assets that can be used to market.

Arsenal Breakdown

Ideally, you want to have three channels of marketing going at all times.  They are online, offline and internal.  By ensuring that your business is actively working those three channels you will have a diverse marketing profile that allows you to capture leads and not be tied to one source for your lead generation.

As you scale and want to grow your business you should ramp up your activities or add in more aresenal items to ‘cast a wider’ net into your community and capture more leads.

More is only better here if you can implement well!

Online Marketing Examples:

  • Social Media Marketing
  • Paid Facecbook Advertising
  • Email Marketing
  • Blogging
  • YouTube

Offline Marketing Examples:

  • Direct Mail
  • Joint Ventures
  • Networking
  • Public Speaking
  • Workshops/Seminars

Internal Marketing Examples:

  • Referral Rewards Programs
  • Point of Sale Referral Programs
  • Bring A Friend
  • Referral Contests
  • Testimonial Marketing

This is certinaly not an exhaustive list of examples, but something to trigger your thought process.


Your Action Plan

It’s time to get your marketing out there!

Don’t feel like you have to do everything. Use your Ideal Client Profile to understand where you have the best chance to get your message in front of those people and what types of marketing might appeal to them the most.

Pick at least one thing from each channel in your list of marketing arsenal ideas and focus on utilizing those. Then build your marketing calendar out with these in mind and focus on meeting the needs of your target market.

Your Action Plan is all about focusing on what you can control and holding yourself accountable to doing the things that will lead to more prospects and clients!

For example, you can’t control if someone refers but you can control how many referrals you ask for each day, week or month.  Set your Action plan up like you would for habit based nutrition coaching or a program for your clients.  These are the sets and reps, or habits, that will get you the outcome you want (more clients)!

Here’s a simple action plan:


  • Ask for 1 referral
  • Post 3 times to social media


  • Send weekly newsletter
  • Post one new video on blog/YouTube
  • Reach out to 5 new Joint Venture Parters


  • Host one seminar
  • Collect 2 client testimonials

Everyone’s marketing action plan will be unique and vary depending on time available, commitment to growth, size and type of business, etc.  Don’t try to match what others are doing, but rather model succesful habits, follow principles and create your own plan!

Once your marketing calendar is built out you can focus on taking action and getting leads.  This is also a great way to hold yourself accountable.

Evaluate, Examine and Optimize

It’s important that your marketing message is consistent and appeals to your target market.

Here are some areas to evaluate:

  • Name of your Core Offer
  • Name of your FEOs
  • Contests you run
  • Your website images and message
  • Your website URL
  • Blog posts
  • Email marketing messages
  • Testimonials
  • FB Business Page
  • Social media posts
  • Your opt-in offers
  • Your network
  • Joint ventures
  • Your logo

All of these should align and speak directly to your target market and convey your unique marketing message.


Don’t get caught up in deploying random marketing campaigns any longer. Break down your marketing and make it simple by building off a solid foundation and deploying a focused marketing plan.

If you want a little help because most of the marketing tips you’ve got before just didn’t work jump in and take our Growth Accelerator Plan course and let me show you exactly how to create your own Triple A Marketing plan.

The energy you put into this will not only save you time in the future by helping to filter the marketing you need to be doing, but it will also allow you to focus your marketing. Ultimately it will help you produce better results.


Author: Nick Berry

Nick Berry is an accomplished entrepreneur, CEO, mentor, and author, with a track record which includes founding and leading numerous companies to success since his first venture in 2002. Nick Berry is the Founder and CEO of Fitness Revolution.

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