How To Be A Forward Thinking Fitness Business Owner And Develop A High Performing Fitness Business Most fitness professionals jump into business ownership with no formal training in business. Heck, I nearly failed the two business classes I took in college (probably...
The Scaling Triad
If you’ve ever watched “Shark Tank” (and which business owner out there hasn’t?) you’ve heard the term “Scaling a Business”. Learning how to “scale” their business is one of the most common reasons gym owners come to us for help. There’s a HUGE misconception of what...
All Problems are Leadership Problems – Part 2
Do you ever think about your limitations? Do you think there are important aspects of your business you’ll just NEVER be good at? Selling...Marketing…something else... You’re just hopeless there, right? I talk to gym owners all the time who are convinced that there’s...
All Problems are Leadership Problems – Part 1
What does it ‘look’ like? How clearly do you see your role as THE leader for your business? Clear enough to work on it every day, just as you work on programming for your clients or marketing? Most gym owners don’t have that level of clarity. They may think they do,...
The Text Message Follow Up That Doubled Our Conversions
There are some really scary stats out there when it comes to sales follow up… According to the National Sales Executives Association only 48% of sales people never follow up with a prospect. Yet, 80% of all sales are made on the fifth to twelfth contact with a...
The Fitness Pros Referral Checklist
Want more client referrals? Here’s a quick checklist to make sure your referral program is on point.
Are 6-week Transformation Challenges Dead?
Analysis of a $60,000 transformation challenge
10 Keys to a Successful Fitness Business
One of the fastest ways to grow your business is to look at what others have done to grow and find success in theirs. That doesn’t mean you copy exactly what they do, or that your business has to look exactly like their business…
How Much Is a Lead Worth?
Do you know how much a lead is worth to your business? Here’s how to find out…
3 Keys To Developing Stronger Systems For Scaling Your Fitness Business
Growing, or scaling your fitness business isn’t easy. It takes more than a FB ad, a couple checklists and great training. If you would look at many fitness businesses that have found some success, usually in the $10,000/mo-$25,000/mo revenue range, there is one thing that really holds them back…systems.