How To Be A Forward Thinking Fitness Business Owner And Develop A High Performing Fitness Business Most fitness professionals jump into business ownership with no formal training in business. Heck, I nearly failed the two business classes I took in college (probably...
For Fitness Pros
The Scaling Triad
If you’ve ever watched “Shark Tank” (and which business owner out there hasn’t?) you’ve heard the term “Scaling a Business”. Learning how to “scale” their business is one of the most common reasons gym owners come to us for help. There’s a HUGE misconception of what...
All Problems are Leadership Problems – Part 2
Do you ever think about your limitations? Do you think there are important aspects of your business you’ll just NEVER be good at? Selling...Marketing…something else... You’re just hopeless there, right? I talk to gym owners all the time who are convinced that there’s...
All Problems are Leadership Problems – Part 1
What does it ‘look’ like? How clearly do you see your role as THE leader for your business? Clear enough to work on it every day, just as you work on programming for your clients or marketing? Most gym owners don’t have that level of clarity. They may think they do,...
WTF!?! What’s the point of all this?!?!!?
I’m sure you’ve thought, or maybe yelled, something like this after something incredibly frustrating happened in your gym. Maybe a client was late. Maybe you had to explain the same exercise to someone for what felt like the 376th time and now you feel bad because...
Online Training in 4 Simple Steps: Part Two
In this post, we’ll finish our 2-part series on starting a Money-Making online Hybrid Training Program in 4 Easy Steps. During the chaos of the pandemic, gym owners had to make it work. You had to figure it out fast or your business was going under. It took a lot...
The First Step in Fixing Your Gym’s Marketing
"Do you know who I am?" That's not just something a movie star says when they get pulled over after a late-night drinking binge… That's what your ideal client thinks every time they see one of your marketing messages that don't mean anything to them. That means they...
Ways Marketing Gurus Will Hurt Your Business [Part 2]
2. Style over substance. I’ll never forget talking with a guru one day about how to get leads to talk on the phone. Way back in the day, before I had a gym of my own, I worked as a receptionist at a busy architectural firm. Salesmen would call all day long trying to...
Ways Marketing Gurus Will Hurt Your Business [Part 1]
It was a cold and snowy night but inside by the fire, our staff was snuggled up in our blankets, drinking hot chocolate with marshmallows. “Old Squats” was a personal trainer waaaay back in the early 2000s and he was sitting in his rocking chair slowly moving back...
The Reason Behind Behavior Change Science
As a gym owner, personal trainer, or health professional, you’ve already dealt with the principles of behavior change science. A perfect example is: most of your members will start New Year’s resolutions. And a good majority of them will fail on their goals. Why?...