Many gym owners typically don't think of creating a referral system when they think about gym marketing. The first things that come to mind are social media posts, Facebook and Google ads, and email marketing. These are all excellent ways to get leads for your...
Lead Generation Ideas for Gyms won’t help… These Tools Will.
Are you struggling to generate more leads for your fitness business? Do you have plenty of leads but you're not growing your programs or membership? This article will help you with lead generation and give you the tools to build the right systems so you can reach your...
The 5-Step Referral System For Your Gym or Studio
Referral marketing produces highly qualified and pre-sold leads. Every gym or studio should have a Referral system that is always ‘on’ and will consistently generate revenue. Unfortunately it’s not uncommon that we see them passively waiting for referrals instead...
Avoid These Personal Training Referral Program Mistakes
Maximize your personal training referral program by avoiding these critical mistakes that keep your clients from sending you their friends and family.
The 5-Step Process for Building A Gym Referral System
Everybody wants leads, but most independent gym owners are missing a golden source right in front of them: referrals that are highly valuable and mostly pre-qualified. Too many fitness pros take a passive approach to gaining referrals from clients, employees, and...