Fitness Revolution University has moved to Fitness Revolution’s Campus!

Fitness Revolution University has Moved!

We launched Fitness Revolution University in July of 2015 in an effort to deliver our products and courses to you on a platform that was designed to deliver our information in a way that would truly help you learn and apply the information you’re consuming.

While FR University was superior to the way we’d been delivering your products in the past, we felt that it was still not achieving our objective.  So, we kept working on our concept and we’re so excited to introduce you to Fitness Revolution’s Campus!

Fitness Revolution’s Campus is now the home for all of Fitness Revolution’s business and training education as well as YOUR connection to your peers – the highest performing fitness business owners and trainers in the industry.

All of our current FR Coaching Program Access, Courses and Products as well as MOST of our former products can now be accessed through FR’s Campus.  You can access your Campus account here: Fitness Revolution’s Campus

Use the same email address you used to log into FR University and create a new password.  Be sure to bookmark the page for easy return access!  Once you’ve logged in, send us an email if you don’t have access to all of your correct courses.
Email us at: with the subject “Campus Access”.

During our move over to Campus, we made the decision to discontinue some of our older products (listed below). If you’ve purchased these, you’ll still be able to download and own them, they just won’t be accessible in Campus.

If you didn’t download them during our transition period of Feb 2nd-17th, 2017, send an email to and we’ll send you the links to download so you’ll retain ownership of all of your purchases (again, only the DISCONTINUED products are listed below – all others can be found in Campus!).

50 Clients Fast
Bootcamp Automator
Complete Metabolic Training
Defining Your Core Offer
Extracting Your Core Values
Fitness Marketing Domination
Group Training University
PT Startup Kit
Simple Communication: The DDV System
The Ultimate Fitness Sales System

We’re so excited about Campus and what it will allow us to do in terms of our program and course delivery in the future.  We can’t wait to see you over there!    We continue to innovate and improve so that we can continue to deliver the best information in the industry to help you reach your goals.

Thank you so much for being a Fitness Revolution customer!

The FR Nation Team

Login to FR’s Campus Here


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