Most trainers struggle to create a program design system that fits their business. So what are the 4 keys to getting client results?
fat loss
5 Strength Training Hacks for Faster Results with Your Clients
Strength Training is critical to fat-loss program, but ironically is often forgotten in programs that aren’t athlete specific. Use these 5 hacks to integrate strength training for faster client results.
How To Create Great Fitness Testimonials for Your Business
Testimonials are critical to generate new leads for your fitness business. But how do you get them to say what you want (and need) them to say?
Is HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) a Bust?
It seems that the pendulum is swinging yet again in the fitness world. Based on conversations that I see on social media, articles and blogs written there is a battle to go back to less warming up, more strength based movements, and counting calories. I tend to stay...
Leveraging Undulating Periodization in Metabolic Training Programs
Clients get bored…easily. By leveraging Undulating Periodization in your programs, you can create an effective fat-loss program that keeps them engaged.
How Using Supersets Accelerates Results
Supersets are a widely used method of increasing density of a workout and ramping up metabolic demand. This article tells you what you need to know and provides some superset examples.
3 Deadly Workout Combos
Sometimes the “same ole” exercise pairings and finishers can get boring. This article explores the experimentation with 3 new workout combos for you to try in your programs.
3 Steps to Guarantee Transformation Success
What if you could guarantee transformation results? What if you knew exactly how to crack the code for fat loss and body transformations? This article provides you with the 3 simple steps that will help you guarantee transformation results, and help you crack the code for fat loss and body transformation.
If Your Clients Sleep Less, They’ll Weigh More
How can getting more sleep lead to your clients weighing less? Is it a biological mechanism or is it something they can control?
Fat Loss Specific Training Programs: Your Simple Guide to Fat Loss for Clients
Are you looking for a sure-fire way to help your clients change their bodies? Here are some quick tips and fat-loss specific training resources.