It's easy to get caught up thinking you're not doing enough to grow your business or that EVERYONE else is having success but you. That mindset is toxic to you! As a business owner it's important to be able to optimistically look at the future and clearly see your...
getting started
3 Benefits of Strategic Planning for Fitness Businesses
As a fitness professional, you already know the importance of strategy when it comes to a fitness program. How much more important is it to also have a strategy for your business? Learn 3 benefits to having a strategic plan in place.
Is HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) a Bust?
It seems that the pendulum is swinging yet again in the fitness world. Based on conversations that I see on social media, articles and blogs written there is a battle to go back to less warming up, more strength based movements, and counting calories. I tend to stay...
Defining the Core Offer for your Fitness Business
Defining your Core Offer is the foundation for creating your local marketing and sales plan. Learn what to consider when finding “the one.”
How to Create Alignment in Your Business
Fitness Business Alignment System™: The Proof is in the Results (Part 1) This is a 4-part series showing you how our Success Coaches have implemented pieces of the Fitness Business Alignment System (FBAS) into the businesses of some members of our Coaching Programs....
Group Training Program Layout
Group Training is a great option for your fitness business. Find out how to build the best kind of group training program in your gym.
Truth About Goal Setting and Fat Loss Programs
What is the relationship between goal setting and fat loss? What are realistic expectations for your clients? Also download our free guide—31 Free Fat Loss Hacks.
Setting up a Transformation Contest Nutrition Plan
The Transformation Contest Guide (Part 2) How to create effective transformation contests that will set you up as the go-to fat loss expert in your area. Part 1: How Transformation Contests Can Change Your Business Part 2: [You are here] How To Set Up a Transformation...
How Transformation Contests Can Change your Business
The Transformation Contest Guide (Part 1) How to create effective transformation contests that will set you up as the go-to fat loss expert in your area. Part 1: [You are here] How Transformation Contests Can Change Your Business Part 2: How To Set Up a Transformation...