Create a fail-proof marketing calendar for your fitness business. Gain control of your lead generation and your gym’s growth. Click for the blueprint!
Gym Marketing & Sales: 5 Things To Do When Your Leads Aren’t Responding
After you’ve spent a significant amount of time getting a good lead flow by marketing your gym. You may come across a new problem… getting those leads to respond. When using Facebook ads you have to understand the type of lead you're getting and their mindset....
The Secret to Creating a Fitness Business That Clients Love
There are two main groups of people that you want to love your fitness business. Those two groups are your customers and your employees. Of course, you want your customers to love your business. If they do, they will happily spend money with you and refer their...
3 Mistakes that will Kill your Fitness Marketing Messaging
Putting together your messaging for your fitness marketing campaign can be challenging and confusing. It may be a struggle because you don’t feel like you’re a good writer. Or it may be it’s a challenge because you don’t have a framework to create your...
A Quick Guide to Getting Fitness Testimonials for your Gym
Social Proof helps people trust your brand. If you struggle to get fitness testimonials and don’t know what to ask. This quick guide will give you everything you need to know.
7 Day Social Media Marketing Plan For Your Gym
Use this free 7-day social media marketing plan to generate more leads for your fitness business and engage your existing clients.
The 5-Step Referral System For Your Gym or Studio
Referral marketing produces highly qualified and pre-sold leads. Every gym or studio should have a Referral system that is always ‘on’ and will consistently generate revenue. Unfortunately it’s not uncommon that we see them passively waiting for referrals instead...