If you’re working with clients to transform their body or even help them feel better, you must provide some type of nutritional support and guidance. But, most trainers don’t know where to start with nutrition and make a lot of mistakes. Trevor Wittwer, creator of Habit Catalyst, breaks down the top 9 mistakes trainers make when it comes to nutrition.
How Your Client’s Personality Impacts Nutrition Coaching
Your clients’ personalities impact everything about their overall fitness plan, including their nutrition coaching. This article covers 4 main types & how to *best* coach them.
3 Steps to Guarantee Transformation Success
What if you could guarantee transformation results? What if you knew exactly how to crack the code for fat loss and body transformations? This article provides you with the 3 simple steps that will help you guarantee transformation results, and help you crack the code for fat loss and body transformation.
If Your Clients Sleep Less, They’ll Weigh More
How can getting more sleep lead to your clients weighing less? Is it a biological mechanism or is it something they can control?
Best Ways to Teach your Clients [Video]
[vc_column][vc_column_text]As a personal trainer, we are always trying to get results (and get them quickly). But how do we make sure that we master the basics of the best ways to teach your personal training clients?[/vc_column_text][wgl_spacing...
Setting up a Transformation Contest Nutrition Plan
The Transformation Contest Guide (Part 2) How to create effective transformation contests that will set you up as the go-to fat loss expert in your area. Part 1: How Transformation Contests Can Change Your Business Part 2: [You are here] How To Set Up a Transformation...