I realize for many of you resistance band training remains a new and unique training approach that comes with several questions and concerns. Makes sense knowing 90% of what is written about strength training focuses on the use of free weights and machines. Being a...
4 Keys To Creating a Program Design System
Most trainers struggle to create a program design system that fits their business. So what are the 4 keys to getting client results?
How to Customize Your Group Training
Fitness expert Josh Henkins shares 2 concepts that personal trainers should focus on to help group training feel customized.
A Mixed Approach to Program Design for Better Results
Resistance training exercises can be categorized into four types: explosive exercises, cross-body exercises, compound exercises, and isolation exercises. In this article learn how a mixed approach to resistance exercise programming that utilizes all four types of resistance exercise may provide superior training results when compared with exclusively using only one type of exercise.
5 Strength Training Hacks for Faster Results with Your Clients
Strength Training is critical to fat-loss program, but ironically is often forgotten in programs that aren’t athlete specific. Use these 5 hacks to integrate strength training for faster client results.
Is HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) a Bust?
It seems that the pendulum is swinging yet again in the fitness world. Based on conversations that I see on social media, articles and blogs written there is a battle to go back to less warming up, more strength based movements, and counting calories. I tend to stay...
Leveraging Undulating Periodization in Metabolic Training Programs
Clients get bored…easily. By leveraging Undulating Periodization in your programs, you can create an effective fat-loss program that keeps them engaged.
How Using Supersets Accelerates Results
Supersets are a widely used method of increasing density of a workout and ramping up metabolic demand. This article tells you what you need to know and provides some superset examples.
3 Deadly Workout Combos
Sometimes the “same ole” exercise pairings and finishers can get boring. This article explores the experimentation with 3 new workout combos for you to try in your programs.
3 Myths Of Corrective Exercise: Strength Prevents Injuries
This is part 2 of a 4-Part Blog and Video Series put together by Dr. Evan Osar. Dr. Evan Osar explains to you why strength doesn’t prevent injuries.