Accelerator Coaching Program Terms and Conditions

I would like to participate in the Fitness Revolution Accelerator Coaching Program.  I understand that based on my enrollment, I have obligations to the Program and that this agreement outlines my intention of fulfilling those obligations.

I understand that the Accelerator Coaching Program is a monthly commitment and that the fees from this program are $199 per month.

During my first 90 days after enrollment in the program I understand that it is expected that I complete the following:

  • Complete a Quarterly Business Analysis questionnaire (QBA) and Onboarding Session within 7 days of my Enrollment
  • Complete Weekly Check-Ins
  • Complete One Coaching Session per month
  • Complete the Foundational Marketing Toolset
  • Submit 4 Sales & Marketing Pillars weekly and KPIs monthly
  • Attend 1 FR Live Coaching Meeting or FR Live Event
  • Complete Strategic Alignment Plan

Within 90 days after my enrollment, if those requirements have been met and I have not increased the revenues in my business to cover the cost of the coaching program and don’t feel that I am benefiting from the program I can cancel my enrollment and am able to request a full refund of the coaching fees paid. All cancellations must be requested to the FR Support Team at

I understand that this program agreement will renew each month until canceled and that there is a 90-day cancellation policy. Written notice of cancellation must be provided to Fitness Revolution and will be effective 90 days from the date of receipt. (Notice may be provided by email.)

I agree to give Fitness Revolution permission to process payment automatically each month for the amount due and I commit to keeping my payment information updated.

I understand that I am licensing from Fitness Revolution proprietary content, intellectual property, and assets. I also understand that if at any point my program membership is not in good standing that license is revoked, and any continued use of the materials contained in the license would constitute legal action on behalf of Fitness Revolution iProperties, LLC against myself.

I am fully aware that the success of my business is my responsibility and should I choose not to follow the program in its entirety I release all liability from Fitness Revolution it’s officers, directors, employees, and contractors.

By completing this order form I am acknowledging that I have read and agree to these terms.