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ATTENTION: If You Get Paid To Train Clients This May Be The Most Valuable Letter You Will Ever Read…
Discover How To Become The Go To Transformation Expert In Your Area…Today
“Transformation Expert Finally Reveals The Step-by-Step Plan That Allowed Him to Build Clientele Over 400 Strong And To Get In The Best Shape Of His Life Too!”
Dear Fellow Fitness Pro,
You may be amazed to hear that over 55 MILLION Americans join a gym or start a diet every single year.
And what was the #1 Goal of these 55 million people?
Fat loss.
They wanted to lose weight, transform their bodies and finally look and feel like the person that they’ve always wanted to be.
But in spite of these 55,000,000 people’s best intentions, fewer than 10% are successful in losing weight and keeping it off.
The typical dieter makes 4 weight loss attempts per year and quits after just 1 month.
The typical person who joins a gym quits or stops going regularly after just 90 days.
That’s more than 49,500,000 people who invested their money and their time in transforming their bodies and their lives that FAILED.
I know you are thinking, “my clients didn’t fail…I got them results.” And you probably did. But could those results have been even better – good enough that they’d become walking, talking billboards for the power of your training program?
And that’s not even touching on the 49,500,000 out there that didn’t get results and are still looking for someone to train them, coach them and lead them to the results that their own efforts, fad diets and other gyms couldn’t give them.
You’d never think that being a Transformation Expert could present that much opportunity, could you?
If you’re currently running Transformation Programs or you’re looking to start, I’ve got good news…
- Fat Loss Is A Need That Is Only Continuing To Grow
- Launching A Transformation Program Is Quick & Simple
- Transformation Training Is In Demand In EVERY Market
- Your Best Marketing Is Social Proof…Your Success Stories…And Transformation Programs Will Produce Plenty Of Them
“The Biggest Opportunity In Fitness”
Transformation Programs are the biggest opportunity in fitness for a number of reasons. Number one, fat loss solutions are in big demand. The market keeps growing every year.
And in spite of the countless other ‘solutions’ that pop up – the opportunity keeps growing.
- People are more open to using a coach to help them Transform their body than ever before. Just a few short years ago only a select few could afford to work with a trainer, but now joining coach-based programs is as common as joining a health club.
- TV, Facebook and even Groupon have exposed more people than ever to the possibility that there is someone out there that can help them reach their goals…but when those ‘solutions’ getting the media attention fail those people, they’re more eager than ever to find something that does work.
- Most Certifications just don’t address Fat Loss. It’s strange to think about, but they don’t. They overlook the single biggest reason that people seek out fitness professionals. And the vast majority of those trainers aren’t equipping themselves beyond that basic certification to deliver results. But their missed opportunity is your gain if you’re delivering Transformation Programs.
- It doesn’t take any additional equipment or space than the training you’re doing right now to position yourself as the go to Transformation Expert in your area.
- With the power of social media, when your Transformation clients start getting results and you’re sharing those Success Stories – your programs will go viral…in a hurry.
I assure you, there is likely nothing that you can to that will maximize your current clients results, attract more new clients to you and position you as a leading professional in your area than delivering really effective Transformation Programs.
Now I’m not suggesting that all the other things that you’re trying to do for your clients like getting them to move better, do corrective work or improve performance are not going to remain critical parts of what you do.
Not at all.
But an effective Transformation Program can serve as the motivation someone needs to get focused and finally become the compliant client you want. It can pull someone who is just going through the motions out of a rut.
“You’ll Instantly Have Better Clients”
In fact, effective Transformation Programs will likely make everything else you do more effective because you’ll get more buy in for every facet of what you teach. Having a specific deadline is the most powerful motivator there is and almost instantly causes your clients to make better decisions.
Your clients will eat better, start taking the supplements you recommend, adhere to the suggestions you make about recovery.
They’ll suddenly become the clients you want them to be.
“Everything Else Becomes Easier”
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When your clients are following your plan, they get results. Plain and simple.
And when they get results retention improves.
When they start to Transform the way they look and the way they feel, they start sharing their experiences with others and referrals improve.
And when everyone is motivated when they come to the gym because their goal is clear and they’ve got a deadline to achieve it – the energy and atmosphere goes through the roof.
“New Clients Are Good Clients From Day One”
When a new client comes to train with you under normal circumstances, there probably isn’t a feeling of urgency. They may be motivated for a few days, but for most it’s a challenge to break out of old habits and behaviors.
But when they begin in a Transformation Program they immediately have to work toward a specific goal that needs to be achieved on a specific day.
They become compliant from day one instead of you trying to coax them there over time.
And if that’s the way their training experience start with you, it’s likely the way that it will remain.
“Your Team Will Have A Plan To Follow And They’ll Stay Motivated”
In the training world, if you have to hire people it can be a challenge. Hiring experienced trainers means you have to get them to adopt your way of doing things or accept that there will be no consistency in what your clients are experiencing.
If you hire trainers with no experience…well, they have no experience. They may not have to un-learn anything, but they have to learn everything.
But by implementing a Transformation Program you have one system to teach that will deliver incredible results. Because clients are getting results in a short period of time, you’ll get more buy-in from your trainers because your approach is working right before their eyes.
Plus, because results are the norm in this Program, the atmosphere in the gym will be incredible. Clients will be motivated because their achieving their goals you’re your staff will be inspired because they’ll be able to see the difference they’re making.
“Transformation Training Can Be BIG Business”
Over the years hundreds of millions of dollars has been made from running Transformation Contests and Challenges. From Biggest Loser doing their ‘made for TV’ approach that makes many of us nauseous to the Body For Life Challenges that swept through the fitness industry a few years back.
There are fitness professionals out there charging $500+ for their 6 Week Transformation Programs and getting floods of clients to join and on a smaller scale, many trainers I know fill up 6 Week Transformation Programs just by promoting them on Facebook for a couple of days.
No matter what your professional goals are, integrating Transformation programs into what you do will almost certainly get you there faster.
“So Why Develop A Transformation System?”
In the past few years I’ve connected with hundreds of fitness professionals at seminars, through workshops, over the phone and in coaching sessions and while most of them are familiar with Transformation Contests and Challenges and many have even run some of their own – there really was no system to make sure that what was being delivered would produce the desired results that the clients and the trainers were looking for.
In fact, in many cases they were cobbling together a meal plan they found somewhere, handouts they picked up somewhere else and the normal training programs or workouts they were already delivering.
And while this approach worked fine for some, it’s was not only pretty inefficient, but it also caused everyone involved to miss out on 20%, 30%…maybe even 50% of the impact a great Transformation Program can have.
After all that, I decided there was definitely a need for a blueprint…a system that would allow any good trainer or coach to implement a World Class Transformation Program and deliver incredible results to their clients while positioning themselves as their area’s Transformation Expert.
Here is What You Get…
In the VPS Transformation System you get a complete blueprint for running highly successful transformation programs. I’ve broken this whole system down into 7 distinct Modules that share everything you need to know to position yourself as your area’s Transformation expert in a step-by-step format.
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Vertex Transformation Systems Library
The Vertex Transformation Systems Library includes over 3.5 hours of video uncovering the secrets behind running a really effective transformation program. These videos will walk through the entire process of running a transformation program and give you the exact system to use each and every time you start a new program to guarantee success.
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Module One: Introduction
Why in the world should you listen to me?
In this module I share a bit more about my background and tell you why I am so passionate about transformation programs. You are also going to learn some scary statistics when it comes to weight loss and fat loss programs.
In Introduction Module you’ll learn:
- What to expect from this program
- How you can use the resources and info along with your current system
- Why there are hundreds of people NEED YOUR help
- The real reason transformation contests are successful
- Why you’ll be missing out if you aren’t running transformation programs
Module Two: Critical Components
Over the past decade I have learned that there are 5 critical components in any successful transformation program. If you are missing any of these components in your programs or you aren’t effective with any of the components your programs will never be as successful as they could be.
In the Critical Components Module you’ll discover:
- Why you MUST earn your clients trust to get them amazing results
- The ONE thing you can’t do without in your transformation programs
- How to NOT be one of the ‘lazy’ trainers when it comes to your training
- Why creating urgency leads to big results for your clients
- How to effectively run an accountability program to GUARANTEE results
Module Three: The Initial Client Set Up
When you become the Transformation Expert in your area people will be knocking down your doors and begging you to join your programs. Getting clients set up and collecting the critical information can become a real challenge.
In the Initial Client Set Up Module you’ll learn:
- The MOST important measurements and info to collect
- The RIGHT questions to ask so you can help the client
- How to get this info from groups (even as many as 100+ clients at once)
- What types of commitment you need from clients to have success (it’s not what you think!)
- How to structure a group meeting to make the most out of your time
Module Four: Goal Setting
This one is simple right? Lose weight….
That is just a small piece of the goal setting process if you want to ensure your clients’ success in a transformation program. I have studied goal setting and motivational strategies from some of the brightest minds in and out of our industry to bring you my system for discovering the WHY for your clients.
In the Goal Setting Module you’ll discover:
- The simple and incredibly effective 3×5 system
- Why the clients initial goal probably isn’t their TRUE MOTIVATION for being in your program
- How to discover the WHY for the client
- A simple trick that will change your client’s mindset almost immediately
This is one of the most powerful modules in the entire program because it impacts your client’s where they need it most – between their ears!
I promise that you aren’t doing these things as well as you could be!
Module Five: Nutrition Principles
What is the perfect transformation diet? We cover the principles of a great transformation nutrition program and how to make it work in your system and based on your nutritional philosophies.
I know better than to argue about Paleo, IFFYM, Intermittent Fast, Clean Eating or Low Carbs when it comes to finding the perfect diet!
You can make any of these work using these principles for transformation success.
I have taken all the knowledge that I have learned from some of the best nutrition resources available and the real world lessons from myself and many other coaches to provide you with a fail-proof system that delivers incredible results.
Oh, and I managed to take away just about every objection someone could have for not following it…
In the Nutrition Principles Module you’ll learn:
- How to make nutrition simple for any client
- Why small changes deliver big results
- How to use my tiered system to individualize your client’s nutrition
- Why meal plans aren’t in this plan and won’t work for you
- Advanced strategies to customize the nutrition template for high level clients
- A system for making constant, steady progress with all of your clients
The feedback I got from our test group of trainers and fitness pros was amazing. They couldn’t believe how simple this nutrition plan will be to implement!
Module Seven: Creating & Running Your Transformation Programs
This is where we bring it all together and cut the fluff to show you how to create, market and run your transformation programs. We get down to what you can really expect from your contests:
In the Creating & Running Your Transformation Programs Module you will discover:
- The BEST types of transformation programs and when to run them
- How to plan an entire year of transformation programs
- Pros and cons of individual and team transformation programs
- What steps you need to take to fill up your transformation programs
- How to increase client engagement and increase the number of clients that finish your programs (which increases results!)
- The blueprint for an effective kick-off meeting to get your clients started off right
- Proven strategies to leverage the great results you get after the programs are over
You get a detailed look at how I have set up, marketed, organized and run dozens of transformation programs with ease and how to avoid the mistakes that I made.
You don’t have to be overwhelmed or frustrated each time you run a contest if you follow this blueprint!
Module Six: Transformation Training
Most trainers simply place their transformation clients into their boot camps, group personal training sessions or personal training programs.
Your current system most likely delivers great results for the beginner or new client that has been sitting on the couch for the past several years. But what about those that need a little extra or when you want to accelerate your results?
In the Transformation Training Module you’ll discover:
- Why changing your programs is critical to getting AMAZING results
- The Hierarchy of fat loss training
- Three variables that you can adjust but MOST trainers DON’T
- How to implement these changes in YOUR programs
- New and exciting training strategies that your clients will LOVE
Don’t worry! You won’t have to change your entire training program and use mine. Just like the nutritional principles, you can use these strategies in your own programming system to supercharge the results you are getting.
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Transformation Resources
I don’t just stop at educating you on all the aspects of a transformation program, you’re also going to get a TON of DONE FOR YOU RESOURCES!
It can be incredibly overwhelming and frustrating trying to compile all the manuals, checklists and info that you need for a transformation program, but with these resources you are going to get everything I have used over the past 10 years done for you!
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Transformation Resources
Done-For-You Transformation Program Manual
This re-brandable manual is yours to use or adapt as needed to fit your program. This manual breaks down all the principles that a transformation client needs to understand into simple and easy to digest pieces of information.
This manual covers:
- Getting Started 101
- Goal Setting
- Habit Self Assessment
- The Tiered Nutrition System
- Recommended Food Lists
- A Trouble Shooting Guide
- A Sample Daily Plan
- Training Recommendations
- Supplement Advice
You won’t need to create a new manual for each individual transformation program once you start using this with your clients. Use it as is or modify it as you see fit, put your logo on it and it is ready to use.
Transformation Recipes
Over 30 healthy recipes that your clients can use to spice things up with their eating plan. This is one of the most requested resources that I get during a transformation program and I wouldn’t want to leave you without it.
Stop scavenging the internet for healthy recipes or trying to come up with them on your own and use ours!
Recipes include:
- Bruschetta Salad
- Tex Mex Beef Tacos
- Chicken, Cashew and Red Pepper Stir Fry
- Yogurt Pops
- Avacado Mango Chicken
- Smooties
- Homemade Guacamole
And more!
New Client Nutrition Checklist
Make sure you and your team don’t miss any of the critical steps in creating a new client profile. This nutrition checklist can be used with all of your new clients to help you and your coaches get them started off on the right foot.
Done-For-You Motivational Emails
Get 14 days of done for you motivational emails that I have used to help keep clients excited and motivated throughout a contest. Simple set them up in your autoresponder and schedule them to go at at specific intervals to make sure you stay in front of all your transformation clients.
Meal Compliance Forms
Counting calories and tracking macros can be overwhelming for some clients so I have made it incredibly simple. These Meal Compliance Forms can be adjusted to each individual clients food recommendations for the day and it is a great way to keep them aware of how much they are eating.
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Habit Tracking & Accountability Tools
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Making sure your clients are on pace to hit their goals and being held accountable is the only surefire way to have success in your transformation programs. These worksheets and forms will help you stay on top of your clients and be able to see any issues before they come up.
These forms will help you:
- Identify your clients biggest needs RIGHT NOW
- Use technology to easily hold clients accountable
- Check client compliance and satisfaction with their results quickly
- Provide clients with resources to remind them of their habits
- Provide resources for your team to assess which habits to implement
- Figure out how frequently your clients need check ins to make them successful
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Transformation Blueprint
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Get a complete blueprint to help you run your transformation programs! These resources will ensure that you and your team are prepared to run HUGE transformation programs over and over again without the frustration of trying to create these resources on your own.
Your Transformation Blueprint includes:
- Home and Travel Workout Manual
- Transformation Program Checklists
- Advanced Cardio Program
- Plateau Buster Checklist
- Transformation Program Roster
- Transformation Team Registration Form
- Transformation Tracking Sheet
- Transformation Before and After Photo Log
- Team Transformation Introduction Emails
- Team Transformation Fliers and Rules
- Easy to use Before and After Photo template
- Transformation Themes and Hooks
You will get instant access to everything you could possibly need to run a great transformation program!
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Transformation Training Programs
Get access to 36 weeks of done for you transformation workouts to use in your personal training or group training programs. These workouts include all of the transformation specific progressions and training tricks that I have used with clients in the past and that I have picked up from some of the most creative coaches around the globe.
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To make sure you are able to use these programs and know exactly how to implement the templates I walk you through each of the phases and workouts that I have written so you know how you can adjust them to fit your programs.
This resource alone could save you dozens of hours and produce incredible results for your clients.
*There are no exercise videos included with this product
This is the goldmine of done-for-you resources when it comes to transformation programs. You will get instant access to everything you need to make sure your transformation programs are seamless run and incredibly successful using these resources.
These resources alone are worth the entire price of this product. Instead of spending countless hours creating these and fighting the frustration of figuring out what you need for each contest you can simply take these tools and put them to use for you.
What are other trainers and clients saying about this system…
The Vertex Transformation Systems is an effective, extremely thorough program with accompanying training and nutrition manuals that’ll deliver amazing results for your clients guaranteed. When it comes to transformations Ryan has personally been there and knows what works. He left no stone unturned and created an incredible resource you can plug and play into your own business.
Chris Rhoades
My niche is transformation challenges and I had the privilege of having a sneak peak at Ryan Ketchum’s Vertex Transformation Systems. I can honestly say he did not disappoint. Vertex Transformation Systems is one of those products that every fitness professional should have in their arsenal. This is an easy to use blueprint that simplifies the process of running transformation challenges. It is super easy to understand and you can begin implementing the strategies right away. Not only would I recommend Vertex Transformation Systems to any fitness pro, I will be using it myself. My only disappointment is that Vertex Transformation Systems wasn’t on the market sooner!
Rick Streb, Fit Physique Custom Fitness
Ryan has created the easiest system to implement a transformation challenge into your business, hands down. He’s literally provided everything a busy business owner needs, you just plug and play. Among all the nutrition debates in the fitness industry Ryan has found a way to create some universal principles that you can use, no matter what your underlying nutrition philosophy is. The videos and great, too! Super easy to follow and entertaining. I can’t for our next challenge in my facility, I’m done trying to reinvent the wheel. I’ll be using Ryan’s system to save my self the headache.
BJ Bliffert, Co-Owner, Full Throttle Athletics
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The VPS Transformation System is taking our transformation challenges to the next level! It’s a very detailed, comprehensive guide to get better results with your clients. It teaches you how to get them to buy in to you, how to follow sound nutrition principles rather than a diet, how to implement effective training programs, how to set goals, and then provides countless valuable resources like travel programs and personal assessments. One of the biggest things I’m taking from this are the resources! It’s going to add so much more value to our current challenges!
The nutrition portion of this is not too restrictive so that clients can eat foods that they enjoy but selective enough so that it still will provide rapid results. That can make or break an effective challenge, as most clients fail if the nutrition is too difficult.
After watching the modules, a coach should be able improve their entire coaching process from challenges, to group training, semi-private, and even 1-on-1. Those resources are the little things that will make a dramatic difference between a regular transformation challenge and a TC that truly over-delivers. The emails make it too easy as far as follow up and accountability. The checklist makes it so that every TC delivers the same over-the-top delivery without things falling through the cracks.This is something that every coach needs if they are wanting to separate themselves from their competitors and take their business to the next level!
Jason Nutting, VP of Athlete Development, Performance QSA
As a strength and conditioning coach for 10 years and having worked with over 5,000 athletes and adults this is one of the most comprehensive systems I have ran across. Ryan has done an excellent job setting you up for success; from the power points to the actual programs they are top notch and work. I have already started implementing them with my team and my clients with great success. The addition of the nutrition resources alone has helped my clients eat better and track their eating habits better and finally unlock the results they have earned. I recommend this product to any coach or trainer looking to run contests, a better program and getting the best results for their clients. Thanks Ryan for this great product.
Brad Leshinske BS CSCS, Program Director Gameday Performance, Owner Athletic Edge Sports Performance
Ryan has coached me on 2 separate occasions during the only transformations I’ve ever done in my life. The second transformation I set a deadline and paid for a photo shoot to prove and cherish my results. None of this was possible without the direction from Ryan. He gave me the game plan and it was up to me to follow it. Trust me when I say that if you follow what he says you will see the results you’ve dreamed of. The best part of Ryan’s coaching techniques is that they are practical for anyone that has the discipline and determination to complete it. I’m a wife, mother of two and work a full-time job. I believe I got down to just under 12% body fat for my last transformation. I never thought that was possible! I’m grateful that I’ve had the opportunity to be coached by Ryan as nothing I’ve attempted in the past has even came close to producing these types of results. My before & after pics say it all.
My first encounter with Ryan Ketchum was July 1st, 2013. My wife had won a 12 week body transformation package at a benefit auction & Ryan was to be my coach throughout the process. My results were amazing. I went from 24% BF down to 16% BF in 12 weeks.
January 1, 2014 I decided to go all out & ask Ryan to be my coach for the 2nd time. This transformation was to be 16 weeks in length & I was looking for extreme results. The attached photos display the talents of Ryan Ketchum. I followed his methods of training & nutrition to the “T”! The 2 photos attached (before & after) depict a transformation in which I went from 24% BF down to under 8% BF in 10 months. In 25 yrs of being in & out of fitness regimens I have not been able to produce/duplicate those types of results.
Additionally…Ryan kept me in the game during a time in which my right rotator cuff was demolished. This man knows exactly how to train around injuries & physical limitations like no other. When others are telling you to push through the pain…Ryan Ketchum is teaching the philosophy of eating right to reduce inflammation & proper workout techniques to prevent further injury. Even my physicians who sited my shoulder problems have been amazed by the sustainability & the new found muscle around the injury itself.
In closing…Ryan Ketchum knows his business. He has spent countless weeks, days, hours in research so that he can in fact bring nothing but the very best to his clients.
“Executed The Right Way A Transformation Program Can Elevate Your Business Like Nothing Else”
There are trainers delivering Transformation Programs in your market already, I’m certain of it. You may already have experience running a Transformation Program yourself.
But there is a dramatic difference between running a program and running one really well.
If you run a Transformation Program the way 98% of fitness pros do, you’ll likely make a quick buck on registration fees and you’ll get people excited for a couple weeks. You may even have a couple of motivated participants see the entire program through successfully and you’ll get a nice set of before and after photos to use in your marketing as well.
But you’ll miss out on almost all the impact that a well-executed Transformation Program can provide.
You’ll leave the vast majority of participants with a bad taste in their mouths because they didn’t get the results they’d initially hoped for – and that will kill your chances of turning them into long-term clients.
There will be thousands – if not tens of thousands of dollars in unrealized revenues from people that could have become your biggest fan.
The culture your gym could have been known for – that atmosphere that almost magnetically pulled people in – would be lost.
But if you run a Transformation Program the right way – the way that you’ll discover in the VPS Transformation System – you’ll:
- Transform interested prospects into loyal, high paying clients.
- Have a never-ending stream of compelling before and after photos to market with and inspire.
- Elevate ordinary clients into walking, talking billboards that can’t stop raving about your training.
- Develop a team of coaches that deliver astounding results time after time.
- Create a culture in your facility that is unmatched in your area – one that makes your gym the destination for people committed to getting results.
A well executed Transformation Program can do more for your business than about anything else you can put into action – and with this Transformation System you’ll be as prepared as you can be to run a well executed Program.
100% Guaranteed To Position You As Your Area’s Transformation Expert
Not only will I guarantee your satisfaction, as with everything we do at Vertex Performance Systems, but I’m also so confident that this is far and away the best Transformation Program resource for professionals that I’ll guarantee that you will become your area’s go to Transformation Expert when you put this material into action.
If at any time in the next 365 days you do not feel that the VPS Transformation System has given you everything you need to become your area’s Transformation Expert, all you need to do is to let me know and I’ll give you your money back. It’s that simple.
This System works. I guarantee it. If for one minute you disagree I’ll refund your investment immediately.
Why It’s Just $299
I wanted to make this an absolute no-brainer for any fitness professional who wants to deliver Transformation Programs at the highest possible level.
I’ve been in your shoes. I’ve tried to sort through every blog post, email and product on the market to try to deliver something better to my clients. With the VPS Transformation System I wanted to give you everything you need to deliver a world class Transformation Program in the format that best suits you – and I wanted to make sure that during the launch of the Transformation System the investment was reasonable for anyone who is serious about training.
If you only get ONE new client from the information you learn in the product you will have made more than your investment back, and I guarantee that you will be able to take the information you will learn and get dozens of new clients in your first transformation program.
I have used these exact same tools, resources and information to run successful transformation program after successful transformation program bringing in upwards of $10,000 in revenue each time.
So, you tell me…
Is it worth the investment of a few hundred dollars to have a system that you can use to get better results with your transformation program clients and generate thousands of dollars in revenue for your business?
Make the decision to separate yourself and your programs from the competition and position yourself as your area’s Transformation Expert now.
P.S. – Every second you wait the odds move toward you doing nothing. Becoming the best requires action, so act right now…
P.P.S. – Remember, you have a full 365-day trial period to put the VPS Transformation System to work for you! Put this package to the test and see how it works for you. With the “no questions asked” Money Back Guarantee there’s NO WAY you can lose…
Click The “Add To Cart” To Become A Transformation Expert